Sounds of NYC
Podcast & Vinyl

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Sounds of NYC spotlights the
voices that create the city’s soundtrack.
Train conductors, radio announcers, celebrities, and buskers are recast as narrators,
telling stories of the city.

Narrators include: Charlie Pellett (Voice of NY Transit),
Alec Baldwin, Susan Bennett (Siri), and Conductor Jay Tru.




Subwaygram & Daylight Books

We partnered with Chris Maliwat, photographer and creator of Subwaygram and Daylight Books for a special holiday series. Chris Maliwat is a street-portrait photographer who captures surreptitious moments of everyday people on their journeys in the cities where they live. 

Revolve Audio

Sound engineer, Paul Weiss of Revolve has been instrumental in the recording, crafting, and mixing of each story.


Sounds of NYC is proud partners with New York storytelling institution, 92NY. All proceeds benefitted 92NY.

Follow us on Instagram @thesoundsofnewyorkcity